Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Apr 13, 2024 1635 +7 Florida State 41 - 29 LSU -7 1300
Mar 23, 2024 1232 +68 LSU 44 - 12 Mississippi State -68 1300
Oct 14, 2023 1309 -77 LSU 7 - 57 Alabama +77 1391
Oct 7, 2023 1815 +5 Tennessee 87 - 0 LSU -5 1314
Sep 30, 2023 1386 -72 LSU 0 - 55 Clemson +72 1494
Sep 23, 2023 1240 -57 Kennesaw State 10 - 29 LSU +57 1328
Sep 16, 2023 1428 -100 LSU 7 - 36 Georgia +100 1366
Feb 4, 2023 1403 +25 LSU 27 - 15 Southeastern Louisiana -25 1300
Oct 29, 2022 1355 +48 LSU 60 - 0 Kennesaw State -48 1292
Oct 22, 2022 1329 +40 Georgia 26 - 19 LSU -40 1395
Oct 7, 2022 1412 -17 LSU 0 - 51 Tennessee +17 1827
Oct 1, 2022 1428 +43 Alabama 31 - 19 LSU -43 1455
Sep 17, 2022 1707 +22 Clemson 71 - 5 LSU -22 1477
Feb 12, 2022 1670 +23 Texas A&M 41 - 17 LSU -23 1500
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Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Apr 1, 2023 1284 +32 LSU 15 - 0 Kennesaw State -32 1144 Yes
Apr 1, 2023 1707 +10 Georgia 38 - 10 LSU -10 1294 Yes
Apr 1, 2023 1422 +31 Alabama 31 - 10 LSU -31 1325
Apr 1, 2023 1756 +8 South Carolina 29 - 7 LSU -8 1333 Yes
May 29, 2022 1372 -39 LSU 7 - 29 Louisville +39 1499 Yes
May 29, 2022 1365 +37 James Madison 28 - 24 LSU -37 1409 Yes
May 29, 2022 1565 +40 Harvard 26 - 5 LSU -40 1448 Yes
May 28, 2022 1572 +52 St. Bonaventure 33 - 5 LSU -52 1500 Yes
If you have scores information to add or correct, please fill out this form.