Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Sep 2, 2023 1293 -40 Cornell 7 - 15 Colgate +40 1398
Oct 23, 2021 1719 +7 Brown 47 - 7 Cornell -7 1300
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Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Apr 22, 2023 1755 +26 Dartmouth 36 - 0 Cornell -26 1586
Apr 22, 2023 1552 +34 Cornell 24 - 19 Columbia -34 1537 Yes
Mar 18, 2023 1568 -76 Harvard 5 - 22 Cornell +76 1476 Yes
Mar 18, 2023 1444 +32 Cornell 24 - 17 Vanderbilt -32 1373 Yes
Mar 18, 2023 1421 +24 Cornell 19 - 15 Rowan -24 1337 Yes
Mar 17, 2023 1438 +51 Stony Brook 19 - 10 Cornell -51 1472 Yes
Mar 17, 2023 1626 +13 Maryland 31 - 29 Cornell -13 1485 Yes
Mar 17, 2023 1832 +15 Brown 29 - 0 Cornell -15 1500 Yes
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