Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Oct 28, 2023 1486 +14 Princeton 26 - 15 Penn -14 1271
Oct 21, 2023 1382 +38 Rowan 50 - 22 Penn -38 1308
Oct 7, 2023 1353 -45 Penn 0 - 28 West Chester +45 1537
Sep 30, 2023 1320 +33 Penn 52 - 31 Rutgers -33 1236
Sep 23, 2023 1789 +2 St. Joseph's 17 - 12 Penn -2 1322
Oct 30, 2021 1346 -23 Penn 0 - 91 Brown +23 1726
Oct 2, 2021 1433 -87 Penn 0 - 69 Dartmouth +87 1500
Sep 25, 2021 1500 +67 Harvard 80 - 0 Penn -67 1500
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Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Apr 20, 2024 1558 -41 Penn 14 - 21 Columbia +41 1561 Yes
Apr 20, 2024 1916 +13 Dartmouth 33 - 12 Penn -13 1571 Yes
Apr 20, 2024 1393 -29 Princeton 12 - 24 Penn +29 1542 Yes
Apr 20, 2024 1473 -49 Harvard 10 - 17 Penn +49 1492
Apr 20, 2024 1933 +8 Brown 24 - 5 Penn -8 1500 Yes
If you have scores information to add or correct, please fill out this form.