Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Feb 25, 2024 1321 +87 St. Edward's 31 - 21 UT San Antonio -87 1645
Feb 24, 2024 1332 -11 St. Edward's 16 - 39 Sam Houston State +11 1788
Feb 3, 2024 1300 +32 St. Edward's 13 - 12 Sam Houston State -32 1811
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Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Mar 30, 2024 1410 -48 UT San Antonio 28 - 31 St. Edward's +48 1269
Mar 30, 2024 1397 +13 UT San Antonio 28 - 25 St. Edward's -13 1282
Mar 30, 2024 1477 +18 Sam Houston State 24 - 10 St. Edward's -18 1300
If you have scores information to add or correct, please fill out this form.