Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Sep 7, 2024 1255 +58 Purdue 50 - 26 Loyola Chicago -58 1300
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Date Elo Change Home       Away Change Elo Neutral
Mar 23, 2024 1494 +30 Ohio State 38 - 12 Loyola Chicago -30 1299 Yes
Mar 23, 2024 1321 -22 Loyola Chicago 0 - 57 Rio Grande +22 1619 Yes
Mar 23, 2024 1781 +9 Louisville 47 - 5 Loyola Chicago -9 1330 Yes
Mar 23, 2024 1321 -30 IUPUI 7 - 10 Loyola Chicago +30 1300 Yes
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